Thursday, June 2, 2011

Women's Agricultural Project

The Majok Adim Women's Committee in Ayat East payam, Northern Bahr el Ghazal state, South Sudan, is hard at work implementing ideas for new projects. With support from Pan Aweil Development and financial assistance from Hanti Sidra One Global Family, the women began growing vegetables during the dry season, using drip irrigation. They then sold the produce at a shop they set up in the market at the nearby town of Marial Bai.
Now Pan Aweil Development is helping them start another project. Six oxen, along with ploughs, have been purchased and are being trained to plough the land. A "custom ploughing" business will be set up to prepare the farming plots of some 750 householders in the six villages of Majok Adim boma.

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Maluil Primary School Update

Maluil Primary School in Panhong village, South Sudan, went from being a school under the trees to a school with two new buildings, including 8 classrooms and a staff/resource room, in 2010. Construction work was done by local villagers under the supervision of Pan Aweil Development and with financial support from Hanti Sidra One Global Family, of Canada. The buildings were put to use immediately, although work was not fully completed. In 2011, the work was finished. Concrete floors were done, the inside walls were plastered, the outside walls were painted and waterproofed, and plastic chairs were purchased for the students. Work on boys' and girls' latrines is nearing completion.

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Helping Ayuen

Ayuen Deng is a 10-year-old girl living in the village of Panlang, in South Sudan's Northern Bahr el Ghazal state. She has suffered from lymphatic filariasis, also known as elephantiasis, since infancy. Her right leg is swollen to several times the size of her left leg. With financial help from Hanti Sidra One Global Family in Canada, William Kolong Pioth of Pan Aweil Development was able to take her to the city of Wau for three months early in 2011, where she received treatment at a hospital. Although there is no cure for the disease, she has shown improvement and has returned home. She is now doing household chores, going to the market and attending school.

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Benefit Concert for Ayuen

The Arbutus Singers of Victoria BC presented their annual spring concert in Sidney BC on May 25, 2011. The concert was organized by Hanti Sidra One Global Family, a registered Canadian charity, and funds were used to pay the costs of treatment of Ayuen Deng in South Sudan and to work in the prevention of the spread of elephantiasis.

Stephanie Schroeder of Hanti Sidra hosted the concert.

Jack Boomer is the choir's director and a Vancouver Canucks fan!

William Kolong Pioth of Pan Aweil Development in South Sudan attended the concert.
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